Zhang Xiao, a white collar worker from 21st century China, discovers that her soul has wandered back in time to the Qing Dynasty during the reign of the Kangxi Emperor and inhabited the body of a teenage Manchu girl, Ma'ertai Ruoxi. Being stranded in the past with no means to return to her own time, Zhang unwittingly embroiled in a power struggle among the emperor's sons, as well as being entangled in complicated romantic relationships with them. (from Wikipedia)

白领俪人若曦独立自主,聪明醒目,意外穿越到清朝康熙年间。穿越、情仇、宫斗、浪漫、残酷……若曦带着对清史的洞悉卷入这场九王夺嫡的争斗中,不断地与命运抗争或妥协。她知道历史的走向,也知道站在谁一边才是明智的选择,可这里有她深爱之人,于是, 她只能处处为营,步步惊心。

Molly Baker is living her best life.

Thirty-eight years old, she lives on the twenty-five-acre Hope Farm in Buckinghamshire, surrounded by (mostly) four-legged friends and rolling hills. There's Anthony the anti-social sheep, Tina Turner the alpaca with attitude, and the definitely-not-miniature pig, Teacup.

Molly runs the farm as an alternative school for kids who haven't thrived in mainstream education. It's full on, but she wouldn't have it any other way. So when the well-groomed Shelby Dacre turns up at Hope Farm asking to enrol his son Lucas, Molly isn't fazed.

But Lucas is distant and soon Molly realises he might be more of a handful than she anticipated. And then there's the added problem that his dad is distractingly handsome. Molly has her beloved farm to think of - could letting Lucas and Shelby in be a terrible mistake, or the start of something wonderful?

Romanas, kuris vos pasirodęs tapo lietuvišku bestseleriu.

Jo pagrindinis herojus Viktoras Dragūnas padaro nusikaltimą ir jo gyvenimas apsiverčia aukštyn kojom. Viktoras tampa visuomenės atstumtuoju.

Romanas parašytas gana jautriai ir įtaigiai. Tai istorija apie didelę meilę, lydimą žiaurios išdavystės. Apie krauju susitepusią mafiją. Apie mylimus ir nemylimus žmones, šešėliais virtusius pasmerktuosius.

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Pages: 109. Chapters: Chrono Trigger, Pok mon Black and White, Pok mon Diamond and Pearl, The World Ends with You, Final Fantasy III, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen, Pok mon Platinum, Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies, Tales of Hearts, Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation, Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates, Pok mon HeartGold and SoulSilver, Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, Mega Man Star Force, Pok mon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness, Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, Children of Mana, Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story, Mega Man Star Force 3, Pok mon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team and Red Rescue Team, Final Fantasy IV, Pok mon Ranger, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time, Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light, Pok mon Ranger: Shadows of Almia, Lunar: Dragon Song, Jagged Alliance, Tales of Innocence, Lufia: Curse of the Sinistrals, Phantasy Star 0, Pok mon Ranger: Guardian Signs, Digimon World DS, Dinosaur King, Digimon World Dawn and Dusk, Naruto: Path of the Ninja 2. Excerpt: Chrono Trigger Kurono Torig ) is a role-playing video game developed and published by Square (now Square Enix) for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1995. Chrono Trigger's development team included three designers that Square dubbed the "Dream Team" Hironobu Sakaguchi, the creator of Square's Final Fantasy series; Yuji Horii, a freelance designer and creator of Enix's popular Dragon Quest series; and Akira Toriyama, a freelance manga artist famed for his work with Dragon Quest and Dragon Ball. Kazuhiko Aoki produced the game, Masato Kato wrote most of the plot, while composer Yasunori Mitsuda scored most of the game before falling ill and ...

La voie de la bonté et du pouvoirCe simple mot de Voie ou Tao est chargé d?un mystère et d?une puissance spirituelle infinis. C?est le message que délivra Lao Tseu, il y a 2 500 ans dans son Tao Te Ching. La fascination qu?exerce depuis toujours ce livre classique, repose sur la profondeur de sa sagesse et sur les lumières qu?il dispense pour éclairer notre chemin moral et spirituel.

Times Square, celebrated as the crossroads of the world, begins at 42nd Street, America''s main stem. Times Square has a rich history as the center of American popular culture, embracing music, theater, and hospitality. Forty-second Street, once the northern boundary of commercial New York, was transformed into a legendary focal point of the publishing, entertainment, and transportation industries following the expansion of Grand Central Terminal.

New York, Spätsommer 1989. Tom Sandman war monatelang als Korrespondent in China unterwegs, wo er Zeuge eines Massakers wurde. Zweifelnd an seinem Beruf kehrt er zurück nach New York. Dort scheint sich alles gegen ihn zu wenden. Nicht nur, dass ihn seine Freundin verlässt und das geliebte Aquarium vom eigenen Vater in einen Kriegsschauplatz verwandelt wird, sein Chef, der notorische Antikommunist Raymond Burnes, schickt ihn gleich ins nächste Krisengebiet. Tom soll nach Berlin, um über die Unruhen in der DDR zu berichten. Begleitet von üblen Zahnschmerzen und wüsten Träumen reist er in ein untergehendes Land. »Die Dramaturgie ist packend und fantasievoll, die Bildsprache tiefgründig und allegorisch, die sensible Farbgebung trägt zur Wirkung bei.« Tip Berlin »Kann ein Comic der Komplexität historischer Ereignisse gerecht werden? Kann er.« Der Tagesspiegel »Die extragroßen Panels, die wie Wimmelbilder angelegt sind, laden zum visuellen Surfen ein.« Hessische Allgemeine

Hace tres años, la Universidad Nacional otorgó el Premio "UNA Palabra en categoría novela a “El amor es eterno mientras dura”, del escritor Alfredo Aguilar, con lo cual se reconoció a su autor con la publicación del libro. Ahora, en el 2010, este libro regresa a los anaqueles de las librerías bajo el sello editorial Jadine.

La novela trata sobre las vidas de dos mujeres, madre e hija, y el diálogo interno que cada una tiene consigo misma a raíz del Alzheimer que aqueja a la madre. El texto destaca por la sensibilidad de la historia y la capacidad del autor para plasmar la perspectiva femenina y el mundo interior de los complejos personajes que construyó."


"La novela retrata con ingenio el tránsito entre los primeros años de la centuria y su término, es una historia familiar, organizada a partir de la percepción femenina. Sus figuras son dobles, dobles intrigas y deseos. Doble también el mundo por donde marchan, como las edades ambiguas y las condiciones de la cordura y la locura, el despecho y la pasión, el comienzo y la ruptura"

-Gabriel Baltodano.