Es leben die 80er!
Damals trug man Clogs und Schulterpolster, nähte Bordüren an die Jeans, versuchte sich an der Farrah-Fawcett-Lockenmähne und anderen modischen Auswüchsen. Politisch war man gegen den Krieg und für »ein bisschen Frieden«, für »Petting statt Pershing«, trug aber gerne Militärparkas – solche Widersprüche gab es mehr. Vom ersten Cluburlaub bis zum Ende eines Feindbildes (Franz Josef Strauß stirbt): eine Zeitreise in die 80er mit erschreckend hohem Wiedererkennungseffekt.

The GIRLS of THOMPSON LAKE Box Set includes the award-winning Young Adult novels HEAVEN is for HEROES, ON THIN ICE, and PIECES OF LOVE by PJ Sharon. These contemporary YA novels are filled with family drama, challenging teen issues, and sweet romances with hopefully ever after endings. With the heroines all connected through their hometown, you get a glimpse of their friendship in each book. Added as bonus content in this box set, and tying all the main characters into one heartwarming holiday novella, SAMI’S CHRISTMAS WISH LIST will have you rooting for our teen heroines and falling in love right along with them.

กรวิก น้องเล็กแห่งตระกูลอัครยานินท์ เป็นนักศึกษามหาวิทยาลัยแห่งหนึ่งในจังหวัดสงขลา
เขาย้ายมาอยู่ที่หาดใหญ่ตามลำพัง จนกระทั่งวันหนึ่ง พี่ชายส่ง สดายุ มาเป็นบอดี้การ์ดคอยอารักขา ความเป็นอิสระของเขาค่อยๆถูกริดรอนไป ทว่ายิ่งนานวัน ความผูกพันก็เพิ่มมากขึ้น
แต่ชายหนุ่มกลับไม่คิดจะเริ่มความสัมพันธ์ใดๆ เพราะคำว่า ‘หน้าที่’ และการเป็น นาย – บ่าว

แต่สำหรับน้องเล็กแล้ว หากเกิดความ ‘สนใจ’ ขึ้นมาล่ะก็
ต่อให้ยากเย็นขนาดไหน เขาก็ต้องได้มาครอบครอง

“เส้นที่นายขีดไว้ ฉันจะทำลายมันเอง”

When Kellan Lassiter is killed in combat, his best friend Lieutenant Marcus Jones vows to keep his promise to look after Lassiter’s family. Terri and her son, Jacob, become Marcus’ top priority, and he is content to be her closest friend and confidante until his undeniable attraction to Terri becomes too much to bear. Marcus can’t keep Terri out of his head or his heart, but losing Kellan nearly broke her. She struggles to walk a fine line between moving on and refusing to forget. Things become complicated when Marcus gives in to his need for her and discovers he’s fallen for a woman who might very well be incapable of loving another soldier. Marcus is willing to fight for their relationship, but when the drama of her in-laws, his estranged family, and the son who is struggling with their new dating status gets to Terri, he’s not so sure she is. Can they really be more than friends? Should they even try? LOWER LIMB of the most easy-to-use human anatomy guide for artists, explaining the human body in a simple manner. The book contains keys to figuring out construction in a direct, easy-to-follow, and highly visual manner. Art students, 3D sculptors and illustrators alike will find this manual a practical foundation upon which to build their knowledge of anatomy - an essential background for anyone wishing to draw or sculpt easily and with confidence!

The daughters of the Elven King are reunited, but the elven empire is in danger: Ilaria, the sorceress, is seeking power over the entire land. Dark trolls and black dwarf dragons stand at her side. Will the elves succeed in withstanding Ilaria`s wicked magic?
The journey takes the elven friends into the fantasy worlds of Sajana, where they have to survive the most incredible adventures.

Die Töchter des Elfenkönigs sind wieder vereint, aber das Elfenreich ist in Gefahr: Ilaria, die Zauberin, trachtet nach der Macht über das ganze Land. Finstere Trolle und schwarze Zwergdrachen stehen ihr zur Seite. Wird es den Elfen gelingen, dem gefährlichen Zauber Ilarias zu widerstehen?
Der Weg führt die Elfenfreunde bis in die Fabelwelten Sajanas, wo sie die unglaublichsten Abenteuer bestehen müssen.

C++入門のロングセラー 待望の最新版! ※この電子書籍は、「固定レイアウト型」で配信されております。説明文の最後の「固定レイアウト型に関する注意事項」を必ずお読みください。C言語を知らなくても、プログラミングが初めてでもOK! 世界で最も使われているプログラミング言語C++を、体系的かつ実践的にレクチャー。文法と設計技法を最短でマスターできる画期的な一冊です。プログラム知識ゼロからの出発。始めてみよう、C++から!●目次第1章 C++ をはじめる前に第2章 C++ の基本第3章 変数とデータ型第4章 式と演算子第5章 制御文第6章 関数第7章 ポインタと参照第8章 配列・文字列とポインタ第9章 クラスの基本第10章 クラスの継承第11章 演算子のオーバーロード第12章 ファイル入出力第13章 テンプレート第14章 標準テンプレートライブラリ第15章 例外処理第16章 C++11の新機能固定レイアウト型に関する注意事項(必ずお読みください)この電子書籍は、全ページ画像の「固定レイアウト型」で配信されております。以下の点にご注意し、購入前にプレビュー表示をご確認の上、ご購入ください。■使用できない機能・文字拡大(ピンチイ

Taboo Love Man of The House

A Taboo Erotic Romance

This is a taboo erotic romance which we are certain will entertain you and fulfil your fantasies. In our opinion, it’s a perfect book for fans of erotic fiction.

Created for evil, Lilith walks the Earth looking for her next victim. She uses her sexual power to drain men of their Essence. She has been on Earth for 3000 years and owns several muti-million dollar companies. Follow this Dark Series and Succubus through her many counters with both the mortal and the Immortal world.

Network marketing has turned millions of people into successful business owners. But to truly reach their earning potential, network marketers need to successfully grow their businesses by recruiting the right people.

Network marketing superstar and recruitment expert Mary Christensen takes the guesswork out of successful recruiting, letting you in on her easy-to-use system for finding and training the right people to sell your product or services, and teaching them to do the same.

In Be a Recruiting Superstar, you will learn how

discover their own recruiting styleidentify people who will become a great part of their teamdo and say the right things to turn prospects into partnersovercome objections with confidenceattract people who never considered network marketingFilled with advice and inspiration, Be a Recruiting Superstar gives network marketers the know-how and confidence they need to grow their enterprise and become top earners.

Network marketing has turned millions of people into successful business owners. But to truly reach their earning potential, network marketers need to successfully grow their businesses by recruiting the right people.

Network marketing superstar and recruitment expert Mary Christensen takes the guesswork out of successful recruiting, letting you in on her easy-to-use system for finding and training the right people to sell your product or services, and teaching them to do the same.

In Be a Recruiting Superstar, you will learn how

discover their own recruiting styleidentify people who will become a great part of their teamdo and say the right things to turn prospects into partnersovercome objections with confidenceattract people who never considered network marketingFilled with advice and inspiration, Be a Recruiting Superstar gives network marketers the know-how and confidence they need to grow their enterprise and become top earners.