Deckchair Crime By Tim Heald

Tim Heald b 1944 is a journalist and author of mysteries Born in Dorchester England he studied modern history at Oxford before becoming a reporter and columnist for the Sunday Times He began writing novels in the early 1970s starting with Unbecoming Habits 1973 which introduced Simon Bognor a defiantly lazy investigator for the British Board of Trade Heald followed Bognor through nine novels including Murder at Moose Jaw 1981 and Business Unusual 1989 before taking a two decade break from the series which returned in 2011 with Death in the Opening Chapter. The best of crime fiction from Hodder Stoughton and New English Library Get a taste for crime from six exciting new books Tim Heald The Rigby File Trevor Barnes A Midsummer Killing Annette Roome A Real Shot in the Dark Patricia MacDonald No Way Home Michael Gilbert Paint Gold and Blood Michael Kahn The Canaan Legacy Deckchair CrimeDeckchair Crime.