The Man Who Saved Henry Morgan By Robert Hough

About the Author: Robert Hough

Toronto author, bon vivant, family man, spelunking enthusiast. My seventh novel, The Marriage of Rose Camilleri, was published in November of 2021.

Book The Man Who Saved Henry morgantown

Where he joined Henry Morgan s expeditions as a privateer against the Spanish His skill as a master strategist in chess caught the eye of Henry Morgan and they became friends of a sortuntil Morgan grew to be an enemy instead What and how much does it take to make a monster of a man A good guy read 304 Het is dat de rum rijkelijk vloeit en troosteloze mannen op het strand bij elkaar kruipen om samen piratenliederen te zingen Want voor een geschiedenisroman over een iconische boekanier bevat The Man Who Saved Henry Morgan 2015 weinig scheepvaartromantiek De roman speelt zich voornamelijk af rond het Jamaicaanse Port Royal.

EBook The Man Who Saved Henry morgan chapter 1

Horrific violence and torture and general sordidness which is exactly what I suspect Port Royal was actually like during this time As far as I m concerned with historical fiction I want to become completely immersed in the time and place that I m reading and this book achieved that with flying colours What the impoverished men and women of this time had to do to survive is heartbreaking I wasn t sure about Benny at first since he was a hustler and a criminal but he ended up being a surprisingly likable character Right from the beginning he made me laugh and I knew that I was going to end up cheering for him He was very believable as a hidden genius and it made sense to me that his abilities at chess would make him the perfect military strategist In this story there are no real bad guys.

The Man Who Saved Henry Morgan epubs air

This book is the story of Benny Wand a young chess player in London England who is doing what he can to survive He is given the choice of either going to prison or getting shipped off to Port Royal Jamaica the wickedest city on earth He figures he has a better chance in Jamaica so off he goes Needless to say his voyage isn t on luxury liner. The Man Who Saved Henry morganman When he arrives in Jamaica he finds there are many like himself with no money living on a beach eating turtles and waiting for Henry Morgan to gather together some men to raid Spanish cities in the area at this time England and Spain were at war. Book The Man Who Saved Henry morgan stanley Sir Henry Morgan ca 1635 25 August 1688 was a Welsh privateer pirate and admiral of the Royal Navy who made a name for himself during activities in the Caribbean primarily raiding Spanish settlements He earned a reputation as one of the most notorious and successful privateers in history and one of the most ruthless among those active along the Spanish Main. Book The Man Who Saved Henry morgan free After the raids the men are extremely wealthy but then they blow their money on booze guns and hookers and then wait til the next time Morgan needs them and the cycle begins again. The Man Who Saved Henry Morgan pdf reader Because of Benny s expertise in chess he and Morgan become friends because Morgan wants Benny to teach him how to play chess Morgan soon looks to Benny for strategic advice in his attacks also At first Benny has much admiration for Morgan but this changes as Morgan becomes corrupt with power and wealth. The Man Who Saved Henry morganville book This is not the kind of story I usually read but I enjoyed it It caught my eye because I like Captain Morgan rum which is named after Henry Morgan plus the book is written by a Canadian. The Man Who Saved Henry morganquay The book is written in first person perspective from Benny s point of view Despite being a bit of a lowlife I found Benny likable I liked the writing style and found the pace was good I thought the story was interesting As a head s up there is swearing violence and adult activity. The Man Who Saved Henry Morgan pdf editor Blog review post 304 A foul mouthed hard partying pirate story with echoes of the familiar Disney or Treasure Island but based on the historical figure of Henry Morgan and with the actual geography and politics Benjamin Wand was a chess hustler in England when he was arrested and transported to Jamaica als een plek waar de gehele economie wordt gedreven door de vele plundertochten op Spaanse nederzettingen In het havenkwartier zijn de tijdingen van overschot en schaarste voelbaar als plaatselijke caf bazen en prostituees hun marktwaarde bepalen aan de hand van het humeur van hun client le Benny Wand zwerft er met zijn schaakbord door de straten op zoek naar betalende tegenstanders Tot Benny s eigen verbazing maakt zijn schaakzwendeltje hem tot vaste sparringpartner van Henry Morgan die verlegen zit om een waardige tegenstander Voor de scheepskapitein zijn hun nachtenlange schaakpartijen een manier om zijn eigen schuldgevoelens te bezweren Maar deze gelegenheidsvriendschap blijkt grillig als Morgan s positie in gevaar komt en hij weinig loyaal is naar ondergeschikten The Man Who Saved Henry Morgan 2015 is een aardige schelmenroman over klassenverschillen privileges en ontmenselijkende kapitalistische mechanismen Over de hypocrisie waarmee de Engelse Kroon enerzijds profiteerde van de dukaten die Henry Morgan binnensleepte maar anderzijds op hem neerkeken als een ordinaire schobbejak zonder raffinement Tegenover de roemruchte kapitein is ik verteller Benny Wand een innemende underdog die op jonge leeftijd moest leren om rijkeren in te palmen om zelf te overleven Hij kan niet lezen of schrijven maar heeft zelf geleerd hoe het schaakspel naar zijn hand te zetten Anders dan Henry Morgan heeft Benny Wand veel te verliezen als een schaakmatch niet verloopt naar wens van zijn gastheer Toch is het een serieus minpunt aan deze roman dat het spel van privileges beperkt blijft tot klassenverhoudingen tussen witte personages Robert Hough laat zich weinig vleiend uit over de kolonialistische praktijken van de Engelsen maar tegelijkertijd fungeren tot slaaf gemaakten en indianen vooral als decorstukken om een omgevingssfeer te cre ren of om wreedheden te accentueren Als er een fictieve figuur als Benny Wand verzonnen kon worden om de dualiteit van Henry Morgan mee te verbeelden dan snap ik niet waarom bijvoorbeeld het perspectief van de Marrons schittert door afwezigheid 304 this was a great adventure I really felt connected to several of the characters in this book If you like pirates and adventure this is for you 304 This is a great classic adventure story based on real historic events and figures It s a pretty straightforward read the plot is propelled by action based always on necessity rather than flowery description In this way the story keeps its momentum finding natural climaxes in scenes of danger and bloodshed Benny Wand is a fascinating character about whom you learn very little but it makes him an interesting one to follow It also makes you think about the title which refers to him as only the man Despite Wand being a famous figure in reality Hough paints a strangely anonymous portrait The ending finally gives over to a bit of scenic admiration which is a nice calming touch to the end of such an adventure 304 The Man Who Saved Henry MorganDOUG S PICKCabin Book Club Average 3. The Man Who Saved Henry Morgan ebook free 25 starsp 331 I told you I d beat you one day My bones turned cold but there it was refusing to go away that bastard called the truth We d been playing a game all along I was his endgame I was his escape He knew the trap he was in and the beast he d become and so he strung me along He stole my livelihood he murdered my friends he showed me a fat sparkling reward he did everything but put the gun in my hand He was right He made me kill him and by doing so had trounced me. The Man Who Saved Henry morganpa 75 starsp 338 She just stood there looking at me like I was someone she d never seen before Then she sighed and tilted herself forward her forehead thudding against my chest It was funny that I d been punched there and clubbed there and one frightful East Ender with an ugly imagination once smashed me there with a hot iron Yet none of it made as much impact as Tessie s little head tap. The Man Who Saved Henry Morgan pdf download 5 starsp 102 Like I said he was a good player better than good even though no match for someone born with an understanding that on every board there lies a glorious truth and it s your job to reveal it Fact was I heard music when I played chess When I was getting at that truth it was like birdsong When I was crapping it it was rusty pots clanging together It was a hammer striking metal It was a hippo blowing farts from a sackbut. The Man Who Saved Henry morgans life summary 5 starsp 36 The fact was I put borders in the same category as religion as far as I could tell both were invented to keep men in the places and if that was the case I saw no reason to fight for whatever country those borders contained be it England or Spain or France or what have you 304 A good beach read with an unfortunately predictable ending 304 First what an exciting book Well till it wasn t But I did enjoy reading this book Well to the last 50 70 pages of the book I ll get to that in a moment but for now I must confess that I didn t know any significance of Henry Morgan or his achievement in history Besides the fact that it is fiction it never crossed my mind that Benny Wand was a fictional character created around Morgan s life I bet everything was condensed toward the end of his life to fit in Wand s story around him Fascinating story for sure from a privateer s point of view I was excited throughout the whole time again except for the last 50 70 pages that the story unfolded around adventures mishaps risk taking and most of all camaraderie that these English captains and expat turned privateers on Port Royal against the Spanish territories It was different from what I had read in the past and it was quite a nice change The story is about Brenny Wand who had cheated people for money with his almost Godsend chess skills ended up in Port Royal and because of lack of money and food he joined Henry Morgan s attacks on the Spanish territories and brought swags back as rewards Along the way him being an excellent chess player he identified the danger and risks of the battle but also helped Morgan take over the targets Although it will never happen in real life the author makes a very compelling case for Wand and eventually Morgan and Wand develop a great relationship over playing chess. The Man Who Saved Henry Morgan kindle direct I won t give away the whole story nor do I have time to write all about it But if you re interested in adventures history in particular the war between the English and the Spanish around the Caribbean for the world domination in the late 17th century and how a fictional story was woven into the historic settings and developed around the such a prolific historic figure which I learned as I was reading thanks to Wikipedia then you ll love this book. The Man Who Saved Henry morganpa The only reason why I was rather bothered by the ending was although it is how the author chose to have Wand to save Morgan to me it seemed a bit hasty and simply a justification riddled with the words that these two characters exchanged to the unavoidable ending To me it was a bit of let down But I m not the only reader in this world and many will find this ending quite suited 304 A hilarious horrifying sad emotional frightening and fun story of the real pirates of the Caribbean It wasn t all rum drinking and pillaging The writing in this book transported me right to the dirty streets of Port Royal I still don t know what the wigglies were but I could feel them crawling over my feet Were they guinea pigs This book definitely isn t PG with lots of cussing sex except maybe the ignorant nobles back in England There are also no true heroes although there are heroic actions performed All of the main characters are complex and not at all one dimensional My feelings for many of them developed throughout the story as I would alternately pity them despise them and laugh along with them Captain Morgan is such an interesting figure and I really didn t know that much about him I knew him as the swashbuckling hero who liked a good party mostly from the advertising from the rum brand that bears his name I also know that those in the areas he decimated see him as an absolute butcher This story really shows him as both and his struggle with his conscience over what he is forced to do I definitely pitied him in his downfall I learned a lot about who the pirates were and why they chose to live that life or were forced into it as the case may be I also learned that apparently pirates lined their eyes with charcoal to deflect the sun I thought the guyliner was just a Johnny Depp pirate thing While this story was incredibly sad I didn t finish the book feeling sad at all but rather hopeful The adventure and humour stuck with me much than the torture and despair I wouldn t call this book uplifting but it is a lot fun than it sounds There s drinking singing gambling whoring and everything you expect from pirates but it is also very thoughtful and philosophical. The Man Who Saved Henry morgans life summary I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads Thank you 304 This book is evocative of its times well researched and most importantly richly imagined Chess sharp thief and grifter Benny Wand is transported from an English prison to Port Royal in Jamaica With no trade or means of survival he signs on as a privateer with Captain Henry Morgan who leads a series of bloody if lucrative raids on the Spanish Main Morgan it turns out is a chess player and takes an interest in Wand and Wand is flattered even besotted by the great man You could read this entertaining novel as a simple swashbuckler but it is also a sly and serious commentary on morality I found it interesting to follow Benny s development and growth against Morgan s simultaneous moral decline 304 The Sisters Brothers meets Master and Commander in Robert Hough s rollicking and raucous new historical novel The year is 1664 and Benny Wand a young thief and board game hustler is arrested in London for illegal gaming Deported to the city of Port Royal Jamaica known as the wickedest city on earth Wand is forced by his depleted circumstances to join a raid on the Spanish city of Villahermosa The mission is a perilous success and Wand attracts the attention of the mission s leader an up and coming Welsh seaman Captain Henry Morgan whose raids on Spanish strongholds are funded by the British government While embarking on a campaign in the Caribbean Wand and Morgan develop an unlikely friendship through a shared love of chess As Morgan is corrupted by his increasingly sordid attacks on Spanish cities he slowly becomes Wand s greatest enemy To defeat his former ally Wand embarks on a strategic battle of wits and must help Morgan in the most savage and unexpected way possible This is blistering and bawdy storytelling at its best The Man Who Saved Henry MorganToronto author bon vivant family man spelunking enthusiast My seventh novel The Marriage of Rose Camilleri was published in November of 2021.I d recommend this book.5 stars.Wade 3.Betsy 3.Kathy 3.Doug 3..