Beautiful Collision (Desperation, #1) By Toni Vallan

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So you better know how to swim Gray is a girl who is looking for something she desperately needs and at the same time you derive she is on the run from something dangerous It seems to be some serious business also the lengths she goes to At the same time she is being watched and followed but she thinks she is in the clear So either way if you did know how to swim or not by the time she reaches her destination you are a goner because this author has you by the neck in deep with this girl You have to keep going to see what is she running from and why but you know it is pretty ugly The author does a good job of giving you her memories linking you into the 411 at just the right time not taking away from what it is that she is doing now Then there is that one you meet such as she does that she thinks is unattainable due to her circumstances but he is a heart throb none the less Thane bumps into her but then they meet again while at school trying to enroll With my suspicious mind I know there is to him than meets the eye He will also be her savior from some nasty business that will lead them on a different road then they both think they should go but resistance is futile This girl will have the gumption and bravery to do than most people ever will and that is one of the reasons she is such a strong character You too as you read want her to be saved and hope she has been successful in escape Thane has many aspects to his character that the author reveals by layer that comes at the right time in the places it needs to Also their building relationship grows gracefully but does not take away from what is really going on You want him to be her Superman but you are on the edge knowing that the kyrptonite can not be to far away This is a strong beginning to a intense story that comes in parts The realism that this story is based on is indeed a dark side of life but brought to the forefront with characters that you hope will come out the winners when you reach the other side The unthinkable will indeed happen and you are left with your mouth open and then turning to Thane hoping he has the guts and glory to go for the gold Received a copy for a honest review Beautiful Collision Desperation.

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1 This story has both POV Thane and Gray Sara You see Gray hiding and disguising her self at the beginning and you wonder why By this time your hooked You see where she sleeps and how much she only eats and you wonder would I be able to do that Thing is she s running from the Russian mob They made her think that they saved her from her brother Little does she know what it is really behind the scenes Someone is always always following her So she goes to Santa Barbara via bus Even then someone is still watching her Actually there are 2 men watching her You know one is the Russian mob trying to get to her Once she gets to Santa Barbara she rents a place and registration to go to school She bumps into Thane our hero Now Than makes it seem that he bumped to her but he also has been following her The men who are following her think she is the mobs daughter Something happens and Gray shots Thane and he ends in the hospital So she takes him back to take care of him One day when they are watching TV they see a girl being dragged out by the police That girl had drowned Thing is and A Big thing is the girl had a marking on her wrist Same one that Gray has That marking brings back memories of what Gray saw in the mob house Girls servicing men and some even killed Gray remembers and she wants to save the girls Little does she know that she is still being watched and Thane and some men help her so she can give them some information on the Russian mob Get it and find out why this is personal for Thane Do the mob did Gray Sara and take her back to the house Does Gray try to save the girls What happened to Thane for him to be in the hospital You will absolutely love it It will keep you at the edge of your seats and you ll keep on turning the pages Beautiful Collision Desperation.

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You do get that but what you re not expecting a story unfold about a Russian human trafficking drug operation What looks like a simple romance novel turns into something a bit in depth It was a bit slow for me Just when I was getting than a little interested and investing in the characters the book just end with a major cliffhanger I will say I will read book 2 so I know how everything plays out You don t see any hanky panky The closest Thane and Grey for was her falling asleep on his chest That was a bit of a bummer for me I wanted some heat or sexual tension between them It just seemed like there was just anattraction Beautiful Collision Desperation.

Beautiful collisioni 2023

1 A very sexy book with an interesting premise An overall fun read with nice plot twists However there was an issue with the way the two characters met that I don t find particularly realistic That being that there was a dude that broke into her house then another dude shows up and scares him awayok but you still don t know this new dude Maybe he s a serial killer I think there should have been doubt and less trust upon meeting the hero of the story Other than that a well written story with great characters. Beautiful collisione di Wow the author wastes no time jumping into the book Right from the start the reader is sucked into a high intense and fast moving plot At times the author has a unique ability to describe a scene or emotion in a poetic way Unfortunately due to grammatical errors it is difficult to get completely submerged in the book Regardless the book had a great plot it was a fun read and the author did a great job The chapters go between two different perspectives Gray and Thane aka Watcher Previously known as Sara Gray McAllister is on the run and the main character Parents killed in a car accident at age 14 Gray was left under the care of her older brother A brother who not only beats her he also resented her and wanted her on her back making money You discover Gray was saved from her brothers assault and is being protected by Nikolai But Nikolai has other ulterior motives for helping her It s unclear why Nikolai favors Gray but it doesn t take long for that to end. Beautiful Collision booklet Thane s character is a complete mystery throughout most of the book He has been tasked with the responsibility to follow Gray and keeping her from harm until they get what they need from her And when danger presents himself he doesn t think before breaking into her apartment to save her As he gets close to Gray you learn she isn t the only one with secrets. Book Beautiful collision Overall I really liked the book Again the grammatical errors were frustrating and hard to get past at times When Gray was reading a letter from one of the slaves that Nikolai owned it was very difficult to read I am wondering if the copy of the book I got was the actual cause of this problem Multiple words were scrunched together and the spaces were off Even so I honestly can t wait for the next book in the series to come out Beautiful Collision Desperation 1 What a magnificently breathtaking and exquisitely brilliant creation that far exceeds words and instead finds itself firmly rooted to the ethereal plane of emotions so dark and deep that very few dare to explore The themes touched on throughout these pages will shred and destroy your soul and only your heart will be able to save you The darkness that boldly seeps around you can only be counter balanced by the light that dares to desperately make its intentions known There is no middle ground so unlike this grey world we find ourselves living in a side must be chosen Just be careful not to lose yourself after the choice has been made Through a series of horribly unthinkable events Sara finds herself thrown into a world that is as deadly as it is beautiful She has no clue as to her fate but she continues to stand firm against the silent yet consistent undercurrent that is always pulling at her When she is handed a golden opportunity to change her circumstances she grabs on with white knuckles and swallows her fear in order to do what others have not been able to The decision to live her life on her own terms will either become a deceptive promise or an iron willed truth Thane has a fiercely single minded focus on his job Nothing will stop him from attaining his goal and no one will stand in his way He is determined to right a very egregious wrong no matter what it takes and he will do it by whatever means possible The one thing that neither counted on was coming in contact in a very dangerous yet compelling way The secrets and mysteries that lie hidden within the other are the keys to unlocking very real iron chains Will they discover the truth in time while keeping out of harm s way or will past horrors finally catch up and distort the truth even I am still in shock and reeling from this amazingly stunning journey with Sara and Thane Always kept on the edge of my seat even from the very first word I am desperate to know what happens next Two very different yet connected lives converge and collide in this recklessly paced rollercoaster rode No detail is every insignificant when your life is not your own and when you are desperate to reach a loved one nothing can keep you away Thane and Sara seek two very different goals but within the other they find a desperately craved solace and a deeply rooted fulfillment that leaves them breathless and bewildered These characters are so powerful and raw and I love watching them breathe much needed life into each other It s incredible to watch the effect they have on the other and to begin to learn their stories and how they are unknowingly linked They are simply stunning and I couldn t get enough of them. PDF Beautiful collision lawyer Toni Vallan is a truly inspired and insanely talented author who I can t wait to see bloom into their full potential Without a doubt Vallan is definitely a force to be reckoned with There is something huge and beautiful that grows with each word read in this book that you can t see or touch but I felt it with every part of my heart Keeping genius like this quiet after the beginning of such a superb story as this one will be virtually impossible Everyone needs to experience the full depth and breathe of this harrowing and heart wrenching journey Beautiful Collision Desperation 1 Right off the author dives right into something intriguing and suspenseful 1 Oh man Cliffhanger I did really enjoy this book despite the cliffhanger and I m really looking forward to the next book I liked Gray as a character although she does make some questionable decisions and she really is quite na ve but I still liked her and was rooting for her Thane is wonderful I do hope in the next book that the characters are given depth and we find out about them I think Gray and Thane are cute together and I m really looking forward to how this story is going to play out The whole on the run scenario and the sense of danger that s always possible but I do hate how the heroine doesn t call the police and how long it takes her to take action This story felt a bit slow to me and since it s a series I see why it kind of dragged out It s going to be interesting when the secrets start to come out Beautiful Collision Desperation 1 Eighteen year old Gray McAllister is on the run Leaving her dangerous past behind her is easier said than done even when she finds herself at last able to forge a new life But then the planets align and Gray finds herself bumping into super hot Thane Blackwell Drooling over him from afar is safe but that s only until she is forced to look after Thane while he recovers from surgery Being holed up in her apartment is a bad bad idea Can Gray control the fire that Thane seems to light inside her or will she give in to her deepest desires Can Thane achieve his goal without hurting Gray in the process The stakes are impossibly high but love and lies don t play nice with each other Will Gray s past catch up with her first Or will Thane s own secrets explode and tear them apart Beautiful Collision Desperation 1 I received this book from Dowie s Place Events in return for a fair and honest review. Beautiful Collision bookworm This story starts in the middle and you get flashbacks to fill you in on what has happened up to the point where we join the story Gray is on the run we don t know who from and we don t know why We do know that she is being watched and that others are looking for her. Beautiful Collision booklet It is written from multiple POVs which help to give it a rounded feeling You see both sides as Gray is happy she is doing the right things and the Watcher is telling you what she is doing wrong You can feel the exhaustion coming through her especially when she talks about not being able to sleep stretched out and having cramp in the morning I loved how the story slowly came together with the pieces falling into place and the characters finding their places I loved Thane and his POVs as you could feel that he knew what his job was what lines he could cross which lines he shouldn t but then along comes Gray and blows that all out of the water New lines are drawn and he doesn t know which side of them he stands on yet. Book Beautiful collision Even though i enjoyed the premise the writing style and the narrative method the book has a huge blind spot that should be rectified immediately But first let s talk about the rest of it and eventually we will get there Gray isn t your everyday girl ans she knows it Trying very hard to get away from a life that suffocated her and from truths she never foresaw coming to lightshe begins a journey that is both dangerous for her and very intriguing for the reader. EPub Beautiful collision theory Early on i kept guessing on what was the reason behind her hasty getaway and insanely secretive way of hiding Well let s say her phobia had a rational root and she was right acting that way. Book Beautiful collision Now about Thane he is hot he is smitten with her and he is also FBI When an unexpected event brings them closer than they should be he has a challenging task ahead of him Finding out the truth protecting Gray and try to keep his feelings hidden all at the same time Not only challenging practically crazy. Beautiful collision lyrics Now i would like to point out my two main reasons for my 4 star rating First of all there was a good dose of chemistry leaving the reader desperately wanting but there was no real ending to that and it was highly disturbing But my big problem was the stalker issue that wasn t addressed in a sufficeable manner A man you hardly know breaks into your house from the window yeah he scares away the other big creepy killer and you have a gun you shoot him and then you don t ask why he was there at the first place Only you let him move in with you in order to take care of him We know the truth but she doesn t she used to run scared all the time but now that something like that happens she doesn t think that it s well weird Seems highly unrealistic that it took her almost two days to ask such a question it was like the author forgot. Beautiful collisione di THOUGHTS ABOUT THE BOOK I still liked it so much I liked her neighbor a lot Thane and Gray have so much tension between them I liked the description of how hard her life had turned at first The way she was hiding how difficult it was The drawing Thane s secret is a good one It makes it all very personal I liked the cliffhanger ARC provided via Netgalley in exchange of an honest review Thank you Beautiful Collision Desperation 1 This book was not at all what I was expecting Reading the synopsis you think you re going to read about a broken girl that s running from her past and she stumbles upon good looking Thane that she s attracted to Yes 1 I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review via Netgalley Unfortunately I just couldn t bring myself to finish reading At the 40% mark I was still becoming increasingly irritated by lack of everything I understand letting the mystery build in order for the big reveal to really make an impact but give the reader something ANYTHING to keep them interested in finding out Beautiful Collision Desperation 1 Beautiful Collision (Desperation, #1) site_link post a comment.

: Beautiful Collision book I received an arc of this book and am voluntarily reviewing Beautiful Collision Desperation.

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I received this book from NetGalley for an honest review: Beautiful Collision bookworm There is a major cliffhanger to this story that will leave you wanting so it worked Well written well paced and enjoyable throughout This is another winner from the amazing T: Beautiful Collision pdf reader G Ayer Beautiful Collision Desperation 1 I liked this book so much but i have to admit something: Beautiful collisionlink body Anyway i really loved the book and i will definitely keep reading the series I only hope for a HEA not only for Gray but also for the rest of the girls