Data Analytics Made Accessible By Anil Maheshwari

Data analytics made accessiblex book

Or can return to it again and again for insights and techniques Table of Contents Chapter 1 Wholeness of Business Intelligence and Data Mining Chapter 2 Business Intelligence Concepts Applications Chapter 3 Data Warehousing Chapter 4 Data Mining Chapter 5 Decision Trees Chapter 6 Regression Models Chapter 7 Artificial Neural Networks Chapter 8 Cluster Analysis Chapter 9 Association Rule Mining Chapter 10 Text Mining Chapter 11 Web Mining Chapter 12 Big Data Chapter 13 Data Modeling Primer Appendix Data Mining Tutorial using Weka Data Analytics Made AccessibleData Analytics made accessible is written for the Data science newbie who is looking for an introductory book that is neither too technical nor too shallow but one that is engaging enough to cover most analytics topics. Data analytics made accessiblezer Each chapter is introduced with a real world example and concluded with practice exercises These make the concepts discussed practical and give the reader the urge for further research. Data analytics made accessible epub ebook pdf He wrote the book from his class notes and made it in such a way that it covers everything important without being intimidating to the uninitiated His chief aim is to invite the readers to join the field of data science. Book data analytics made accessible pdf I did not like how brief most of the chapters turned to out to be Though this is meant to be an introductory book.

Book data analytics made accessible to the public

The author is too brief in some of the chapters and thus the concepts a left floating on the readers head. Book data analytics made accessible pdf I would highly recommend the book to those very new to the field This is not recommended for anyone with a fair amount experience English A good introduction to using data for business intelligence It was a little basic but did cover a lot of topics and gave a good overview of the different techniques used within data mining There is an excellent set of tutorials in the appendix that help you get started doing your very first predictions English Read as a textbook for an information security course For a textbook.

Books on data analytics for business

But I was very glad to be done with it English Basic On a scale of 1 10 with 1 being an introductory book this is about a 2 English Good for beginnersThis is a good book for people who are just learning about data analytics and all its components Each chapter was one aspect of data analytics and very informative with examples to illustrate the points English I found this book very informative It filled in some of the gaps I had in understanding data science I particularly liked that it explained some of the statistics involved This was a good read and everything was understandable I feel ready for my Data class English Excelente libro para los que nos gusta la anal tica de datosBien distribuido el libro Super completo Me gusto ya que te ayuda a conocer cu les son las t cnicas que se puede aplicar a la informaci n y extraer conocimiento English Pleasant surprise Nice tour through analytics space Not too deep.

Data analytics made accessiblezer

This book fills the need for a concise and accessible book on the topic of Business Intelligence and Data Mining It is a conversational book that feels easy and informative This short and lucid book covers everything important with concrete examples and invites the reader to join this field The chapters in the book are organized for a typical one semester course The book contains case lets from real world stories at the beginning of every chapter There is a running case study across the chapters as exercises This book is designed to provide a student with the intuition behind this evolving area along with a solid toolset of the major data mining techniques and platforms Students across a variety of academic disciplines including business computer science statistics engineering and others are attracted to the idea of discovering new insights and ideas from data This book can also be gainfully used by executives managers analysts professors doctors accountants and other professionals to learn how to make sense of the data coming their way This is a lucid flowing book that one can finish in one sitting Anil welcomes the reader by discussing topics related to business intelligence. Data analytics made accessibleview The book then progresses to discuss some of the common machine learning algorithms in the second section before winding with a brief on text mining web mining it s well written but parts were understandably pretty dull I am glad they started each chapter with a caselet for context They also explained everything very well but I did not miss my last statistics course They also include a tutorial for R which I should re learn one of these days My biggest critique of this book has to do with its format For whatever reason it is only available on as an ebook I never noticed that my Surface doesn t have the Kindle app but now I know why So long post short I was stuck reading this ebook on my smartphone Not ideal Print still has its advantages English Data Analytics Made Accessible gives a pretty comprehensive whirlwind tour of all the major topics and considerations one might expect on the topic of Data Analysis It feels quite complete and for that I m than happy to declare that I got good value for money from this book and will probably refer back to it again in the future However there are a couple of issues I have with how the book is written that cause me to knock its rating from a potential four to a possibly undeserved three stars. Kindle data analytics made accessible to all To begin the book sets out to make the topic accessible I would argue that it does achieve this but uses a very formulaic structure that often feels like a checklist being completed 15 times over until completion While I realise this shouldn t necessarily be faulted it does end up falling into the realm of being quite stale and the writing itself lacks any kind of injection of personality for example through interesting anecdotes or curious counter intuitive facts that have come about through the increased use of data for business and life in general When all s said and done the book feels like it could have been written by a pretty smart A. Data analytics made accessibleq accessiblesource The reason for me landing on a poorly three star rating is that despite the clinical tone the book is heavily peppered with typos and grammatical errors throughout which perhaps could be overlooked but equally cannot be due to their regularity and gravity It could be my perception but they seemed to increase towards the end of the book suggesting the author was in a hurry to be done instead of taking the time to make sure the finished product would be something he could be proud of For me on this occasion the errors must be acknowledged and reflected in the final rating. Books on data analytics for business Having cleared the air with those potentially minor gripes I must go back to the fact that this book really is a good starting point for anyone with a passing curiosity of what Data Analytics and Big Data really means Maheshwari clearly has a deep understanding of each disparate aspect and can communicate that without resorting to jargon I particularly like the handful of thought provoking questions at the end of each chapter designed to make the reader contemplate just how each topic applies in the real world. Data analytics made accessiblezer A worthwhile read just a pity about the lack of care and attention that went into the writing Three Stars English Fairly ok as a basic place to start on the topic The author doesn t stick to one audience though sometimes it is overly accessible sometimes meant for people with very good understanding of the topics A lot of errors which good editing could have dealt with It was particularly annoying when the text in his graphics was cut off by poor formatting. Book data analytics made accessible to all The book contains caselets on real world stories to introduce each chapter and ends with challenging exercises meant to reinforce the readers understanding of the discussed topics, Book data analytics made accessible pdf free download The book covers most of the topics on what data science entails today Divided into three sections.

Epub data analytics made accessible to all users

Data modeling and big data: Data analytics made accessiblex book There are also lots of illustrations and discussed step by step walkthroughs on various algorithms. Data analytics made accessiblezer Anil Maheshwari is an experienced business intelligence and data mining lecturer, Data analytics made accessible pdf This is prevalent in chapters towards the end of the book, Data analytics made accessiblezer This is the best introduction to data science book available The author uses simple language to discuss a fairly complex topic and covers a wide spectrum of data science concepts. Book data analytics made accessible pdf The important concepts of Data warehousing data mining and data visualization are all discussed in an accessible way: Epub means accessible and interactive I referencing the most relevant generic sources of content for its research, Data analytics made accessiblezer The book definitely did introduce me well to many topics just what I needed Well written with clear examples Loved the exercises and thought provoking questions English Data Analytics Made Accessible.