Gummi-Tarzan By Ole Lund Kirkegaard
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Er det dog b de sjovt og tilfredsstillende at se ham vise sig for alle sine b ller 119 Jag lskade Gummi Tarzan n r jag var liten Jag l ste den hur m nga g nger som helst I f rra veckan kom min sex och ett halvt r gamla son hem med boken fr n biblan och jag fick l sa den igen Min son lskade den och skrattade s att han n stan gr t Jag tyckte v l inte den var lika fantastisk men det var ett nostalgiskt terbes k Idag har jag dock sv rt att skratta t eller med den mobbade Ivan och slutkl mmen ger ju historien inte n got nytt ljus direkt Det r v l ganska s kert att kunna konstatera att Gummi Tarzan inte skulle bli n gon ny hitt idag direkt om den gjorde entr.
Gummi-Tarzan book
Total nostalgi fordi jeg l ste den da jeg var barn nok ikke helt en god b rnebog i dag med de problemstillinger der er totalt forskruet maskulinitet og mobning 119 Perfekt l sning med en 5 rig ballademager 119 Fantastisk sjov b rnebog men humor for b de store og sm Der er massere at snakke om og l re af p en afslappet og indirekte vej Den fangede begge mine drenge p 7 og 4 r 119 Chances are given that this is the first book that I have read in Danish that I would be quite partial to it no matter what But Gummi Tarzan is a really delightful book Tragically hilarious in the way that only books about miserable childhoods can be it s the story of poor skinny clumsy uncool Ivan Olsen aka Rubber Tarzan and the one wonderful day that with the help of a benevolent witch he s able to do all the things he s never been able to do On that one perfect day he s able to read the biggest book in the library The Collected Cookbook of the poet Adam Oehenshlager able to spit further than all of the boys in his class able to lock his malevolent gym teacher in the bathroom stand up to his arrogant unsympathetic Man s Man of a dad ride a bike and score the winning goal in a professional soccer match Of course and as soon as Ivan Olsen wakes up the next day it s all back to normalThis book is apparently something of a classic in Denmark it s been made into an audio book a TV cartoon and the phrase Gummi Tarzan became an oft used colloquialism the author Ole Lund Kirkegaard wrote a number of other popular books for children although really his humor is perhaps even funny to adults all of which have the same fantastic illustrations and apparently share the same sort of cynical ironic humor Another reason this was such a great first book for me to have read in Danish is that it s written with a number of colloquialisms and regional phrases that you wouldn t normally find in dictionaries so I m told Amusingly enough Gummi Tarzan is also a brilliant introduction to the wonderful range of swearing in Danish Where in English curse words are very black and white either offensive or not offensive there seems to be a whole grey scale of acceptable utterances in Danish What a fantastic and funny language 119 Ometi sain yle pika aja mahti iget Kierkegaardi lugeda 119 Gummi Tarzan er en sjov og varm historie om drengen Ivan Olsen der efter et tilf ldigt m de med en vaske gte heks bliver Tarzan for en dag Gummi Tarzan 119 I like the Kirkegaard books they are funny to read aloud to your children but this one was not alright at all and shows every amateur psychologist that Kirgegaard must have grown up a very bullied child A grown up like myself who was bullied my entire childhood by classmates neighbourhood children and my own mother recognize the symptoms and they really comes out in this book that might be autobiographical in some ways The book made me as a reader very uncomfortable so it is not a book I recommend reading to a sensitive child like my youngest autistic child. Gummi-Tarzan kindle store Ivan Olsen gets beaten up EVERY day in school and the boys fill his trousers with water Where are the teachers How can this be accepted by the grown ups When Ivan gets home his mother the coward does nothing but hangs his trousers up to dry But his father continues the bullying by telling him to toughen up Right My mother s exact words Ivan is dyslexic but is receiving no help with it in school And he has a weak constitution which makes gym class a nightmare where he usually ends up having a nose bleed What does his father do to make his son toughen up He goes and gets a book on Tarzan and forces Ivan to hang from a tree to build muscles But Ivan of course falls down and gets the nose bleed he expected to get That is when his father labels him rubber Tarzan and the children in the street hears all of it Ivan is desperately trying to find something he could become good at so he tries to join the football playing classmates at recess without any success No talent at all He tries to learn how to bicycle on a way too big bicycle and ends up in the sea He tries to learn how to spit as far as the big boys but all he accomplishes is drooling down his entire sweater One day he runs in to a witch by the river and she grants him a wish His wish is to have all his wishes come true First he impresses the boys with spitting very far off Then he borrows a book at the library with 9 000 pages in it which he reads to the teacher Then the big boys are getting ready to fill his trousers with water but first he shows them his biceps then HE fills 17 boys trousers with water and locks the rest of them in to the loos together with the gym teacher He goes home and carries his dad out to the tree where he puts him on a branch that breaks off His father starts crying when his nose starts bleeding Then Ivan gets up on the way too big bicycle and cycles off But soon he is being chased by a bully on a moped This time it is the bully who ends up in the sea though On his way home Ivan bicycles by a football stadium and hears a match being played in there Two famous teams are playing but when one team s player gets a fly in the eye they need help Ivan runs in and takes the player s place and of course scores a goal Ivan sleeps well that night. Gummi-Tarzan pdffiller But the next morning when he heads to the witch for a new wish she is gone At 09 00 he falls down in gym class and gets a nose bleed At 10 00 he is locked in to the school loos 11 00 his trousers are filled with water And when his dad gets home that day he has bought a new Tarzan book since Ivan ruined the first one the day before Where is the sense in this book A child gets to have revenge one day and the next day and all other days has to suffer through the regular bullying Not my kind of book 119 Not suited for children Though I laughed at some points of the book I think it s missing its purpose that it has for children The book tells us about Ivan who is being bullied and called Gummi Tarzan Rubber Tarzan because he has no muscles One day he gets his revenge then the next day everything goes back to how it was before I asked myself while reading what the purpose of this is and what it should teach children Adults won t listen and put you through suffering The only way to survive bullying is by becoming one That is something I wouldn t want my kids to learn or think in any way This book didn t age well 119 Gummi Tarzan er en klassiker der stadig holder Illustrationerne er altid en stor del af Ole Lund Kirkegaards historier men jeg husker ikke at de plejer at spille s stor en rolle som i denne her Kierkegaard bruger virkelig sine tegninger til at fort lle historien og det fungerer super godt og er meget sjovt og kreativt Bogen har sin helt egen charme og revser virkelig hvordan drenge bliver p skyndet at v re store og st rke selvom de m ske ikke er det og at der ikke er nogen god grund til at de burde blive det Den eneste anke er m ske at historien kan virke som n dags magtfantasi for Ivan inden han skal vende tilbage til sin hverdag med mobning og machofar og at der ikke er nogen st rre morale end det N r man er blevet introduceret til Ivan og hans hverdag fr gan r om den ver huvudtaget skulle bli antaget av ett f rlag 119
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