La chasse-galerie By Honoré Beaugrand
Kindle La chasse-galerie
I figured I d read a classic from my own place It was an enjoyable short read and it sounds like a folk tale However there s not much substance to it and it actually stops right at the moment it started to get interesting I don t really understand why this became so well known lol Anyway the antiquated expression were good fun Honor Beaugrand Six folktales from Qu bec and I couldn t be happier I initially became curious in these stories after introducing qu b cois culture to my French I class and I was hoping to find something that would be an easy read for beginning students of French I ve always enjoyed folktales so thought this would be appropriate Unfortunately the language is a little complex that I d like for beginning students so I ll likely have to find ways to simplify the stories myself but at least I have a small collection of folktales that I can use in class I enjoyed la chasse galerie of course but I expected it to be scarierMacloune made me really sadAnd le fant me de l avare was a very lovely story that s a nice allegory of redemption. EBook La chasse-galerie I liked it and I couldn t help but think of my courses in grad school body soul man as a machine or not qu b cois identity etc Honor Beaugrand Acabris Acabras Acabram Fais nous voyager par dessus les montagnes Canot d corce qui vole qui voleCanot d corce qui va voler Honor Beaugrand Idk why anyone was even able to rate it above 1 Honor Beaugrand Nice reading of a version of this tale of French Canadian folklore I found very interesting the fact that many of the elements which are present in this kind of tales are also common in the oral tale tradition of Latin American catholic countries The influence of the Catholic Church as well as the peasant customs and of course the presence of some booze involved in the plot of this kind of tales is both very similar in Latin America tales and French Canadians as well Honor Beaugrand Libro usado en buenas condiciones por su antiguedad podria contener se ales normales de uso La chasse galerieRemis dans leur contexte historique ces contes classiques offrent une belle plume et des r cits ancr s dans le folklore et la vie d antan De fa on surprenante La chasse galerie n est pas le meilleur conte de ce recueil mais on comprend ais ment pourquoi c est celui qui est rest dans les m moires Honor Beaugrand Relecture 3. La chasse-galerie ebook reader 5 Honor Beaugrand La chasse galerie a une vocation p dagogique assez importante C est le recueil le plus lu du mouvement fantastique de la litt rature qu b coise de la deuxi me moiti du dix neuvi me si cle L auteur Honor Beaugrand qui a tait pendant sa carri re crivain politicien et journaliste est consid r comme un des chef de fil du lib ralisme radical et anticl rical La chasse galerie est lire donc parce qu il offre une fen tre sur un d bat social et politique qui a domin le Qu bec pendant un demi si cle. Book La chasse-galerie lavaltrie Beaugrand pr sentent deux camps dans la soci t canadienne fran aise Il y a le cot bleu Conservateur et croyant qui s oppose aux rouges Lib raux et franc ma ons Beaugrand le libre penseur est de l avis que l alcool m le plus d esprits que le Diable chez les Canadiens francais Trois de six contes La chasse galerie Macloune et Le fant me de l avare sont vraiment bons N anmoins il faut reconnaitre que l on lit ce petit livre pour la discussion politique et non pour ses qualit s litt raires. Kindle La chasse-galerie la Malheureusement dans ce petit volume il n y a aucun dossier pour les tudiants qui explique le contexte Pour les cours universitaires je recommande plut t l excellent Treize contes fantastiques qu b cois qui a un superbe dossier d accompagnement de Claude Gonthier et Bernard Meney Honor Beaugrand This tale was originally told by a First Nation tribe and later revamped by American Fur Traders and then the French Canadians made it their own and in the late 1800s Honor Beaugrand the man who launched the French Canadian newspaper La Patrie and who was mayor of Montreal in 1885 and 1886 wrote the tale as La Chasse Galerie loosely tranlated to the Wild Hunt or the Witching Canoe and popularized the legend The lumberjacks and raftmen are up north working for the rich man s lot of timber when one of the men suggest going home for New Year s Eve They all miss their women and maybe a few are worried about losing them to another They strike a deal with the Devil I m not going to say for those who don t know the story but yes it involves a flying canoe and their soulsOh and Church Bell Towers Honor Beaugrand
La chasse-galerie By Honoré Beaugrand |
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