Confidence Booster Workout: 10 Steps to Beating Self-Doubt By Martin Perry

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Confidence Booster Workout: 10 Steps to Beating Self-Doubt By Martin Perry
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Confidence Booster Workout: 10 Steps to Beating Self-Doubt There is than one author with this nameConfidence is a key ingredient to achieving greater success in every situation social or professional Self confidence allows natural talents and abilities to shine through and keeps self sabotage in check Martin Perry The Confidence Coach presents a ten lesson course that teaches the reader how to control doubts and negative thoughts and focus on what is possible and enjoyable The Confidence Booster Workout features 200 line drawings and provides daily exercises tips and techniques that will enable you to take control of your life learn to be assertive develop your social skills and Confidence Booster Workout 10 Steps to Beating Self Doubt.

About the Author: Martin Perry

There is than one author with this name