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Galne tankar Spennande og tankevekkande interessant sj korleis David blir m la fram av dei andre sine tankar og minne Og dette f r ein til sj lv reflektere litt p kven en er korleis andre ser ein vs korleis ein ser p seg sj lv det er ikkje noko fasit eller svar her p kven David er Lesaren f r sj lv danne seg eit bilete og eg ser f re meg at ingen sit igjen med heilt det same inntrykket av mannen David Nettopp dette punktet over gjer ogs at dette er ei bok eg kan f lyst til lese igjen seinare for eg tipper at eg ved ein ny gjennomlesing vil tillegge karakteren David end nokre nye karaktertrekk DET EG LIKTE LITT MINDRE boka tek f re seg tre sv rt ulike karakterar.
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Old age and illness It all adds up to a rather stark appraisal of small town life. Innsirkling epub file I certainly expect to read part two in the near future Hardcover I find myself completely conflicted regarding how I feel about this first instalment of the Encircling trilogy It s a fantastic premise for a story David is a man apparently suffering from amnesia His doctor s ask that people who know him write down their memories of him with the idea that these will help him regain his memory What we then get is three people recording their memories of David.
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Terminal illnesses all these play a part. Innsirkling epub reader But there is a lot of interesting things happening Jon s story asks us how we can believe a view of David when people are so continually adjusting their behaviour according to how they think others will interpret their actions Arvid s story asks us how real the picture we have of a person is when so much of what that person is is shaped by the actions of others not just themselves Silje s story asks us how we can believe a story about a person when it is so simple to build an alternative story that fits the facts but is completely wrong. Innsirkling epubs This all sounds fascinating And as an idea.
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Carl Frode Tiller is a author historian and musician His works are in Nynorsk lit New Norwegian one of the two official Norwegian standard languages Tiller debuted in 2001 with the novel Skr ninga Downward Slope which was recognized as the best initial work of the year with the Tarjei Vesaas Debute Prize Downward Slope was nominated for the Brageprisen the Brage Prize is a juried award In November 2007 Tiller was awarded the Brageprisen for his novel Innsirkling Encirclement In the fall of 2007 Innsirkling received the Norwegian Critics Prize for Literature and was nominated for the premiere Scandinavian literature prize the Nordic Councils Literature Prize Carl Frode Tiller is a author historian and musician His works are in Nynorsk lit New Norwegian one of the two official Norwegian standard languages Tiller debuted in 2001 with the novel Skr ninga Downward Slope which was recognized as the best initial work of the year with the Tarjei Vesaas Debute Prize Downward Slope was nominated for the Brageprisen the Brage Prize is a juried award In November 2007 Tiller was awarded the Brageprisen for his novel Innsirkling Encirclement In the fall of 2007 Innsirkling received the Norwegian Critics Prize for Literature and was nominated for the premiere Scandinavian literature prize the Nordic Council s Literature Prize site_link You know what it s like to be in the room when a married couple most likely your parents argues on and on and on about the most inane minutiae There s a bit of that in play in this book and boy howdy does it take its toll as the book drags on. Innsirkling pdf drive The concept is promising anyway Guy loses his memory Three different people answer the call to write letters with common memories in hopes that these will provide the nudge needed to bring it all back Amnesia is such a mysterious thing after all. Innsirkling kindle reader This book impossibly the first of a trilogy OK not impossibly scarily gives us three different narrators the amnesiac David s good friend and possible lover who s the unreliable narrator after all Jon followed by amnesiac David s stepfather Arvid followed by amnesiac David and buddy Jon s common friend Silje She s also David s girlfriend for a while or possible girlfriend if she s to be believed. Innsirkling epub reader These three sections are further bifurcated by parts that serve as the letter to David and parts that are just snapshots from the narrator of the moment s present life the two in different fonts In all three cases nothing big happens Like I said all day in the life stuff much of it filled with bickering and endless talking and self identified armchair psychological diagnosing as everyone tells everyone else exactly what s wrong with them. Innsirkling booker In the final section toughest of all maybe there s actually a 4 page argument between Silje and her husband over what s for dinner She s serving waffles damn it and he finds that beneath him Strangely though he s had PANCAKES for dinner before he just won t put up with waffles even if they have the same ingredients as pancakes and what time is it again So yeah if you ve ever listened to long married couples make mountains out of molehills then you might prepare for over 300 pages of molehill expansion in this book Or not Hardcover David elvesz tette eml kezet t Nem tudjuk mik nt de higgy k el az r ezt mondja Davidot nem l tjuk felt telezem valahol a reg ny ter n k v l igyekszik visszaeml kezni szereti e a toj sos lecs t vagy sem Ami a reg ny ter n bel l van az a h rom ismer s Arvid a mostohaapa valamint Silje s Jon a k t kamaszkori bar t k pr b lnak seg teni Davidnak levelet fogalmaznak h tha gy el id zhetik az eml kezet rekonstrukci j t Az olvas ban azonban hamar kialakul a meggy z d s hogy itt bizony nem Davidr l tudunk meg sokat hanem azokr l akik besz lnek Ez az igazi r i c l amit al t masztanak a leveleket k s r jelenidej fejezetek is amelyekben a felek D. Innsirkling kindle paperwhite u let be nyer nk betekint st Ezek les kontrasztot alkotnak azzal az vekkel ezel tti Arviddal Silj vel s Jonnal akik a Davidnak rott levelekben szerepelnek Ahogy les a kontraszt ak z tt is ahogy Arvid vagy Jon l tja Silj t ahogy Silje vagy Arvid l tja Jont ahogy Jon vagy Silje l tja Arvidot s persze ahogy valamennyien l tj k Davidot hogy a felsorol sban nem szerepl mell kszerepl kr l m r ne is besz lj nk Ett l a megsokszorozott szemsz gkavalk dt l lesz olyan a reg ny mint egy kaleidoszk p az ember forgatja innen n zi onnan n zi azt n pr b l valami ltal nosnak mondhat k vetkeztet st levonni De ink bb ne vonjon Mert nincs igazi David akit rekonstru lni lehetne sz mos k l nb z David van mindenkinek megvan a saj t Davidja aki csak az v s a t bbiek identit sa sem felt rk pezhet mindenki csak azt l tja a m sikb l t k r ltal hom lyosan amit az l tni enged vagy amit a szeml l l tni akar Nem vagyunk megismerhet ek nem vagyunk megfejthet ek Annyif l k vagyunk ah nyan n znek minket K r hogy Silje fejezete mind a tartalom mind a sz vegforma szintj n lefel l g ki a k nyvb l Enyh n nism tl kiss t lgondolt Az sszk p mindazon ltal t bb mint rdekes j s izgalmas Most E 3 ban besz lek magamr l olvas n m g miel tt valaki kik rn mag nak hogy benne ugyan nem Csak mondom David ut ni Hardcover Fascinating concept for a novel the first of a trilogy the lead David suffers from total amnesia and his doctors ask various people in his life to write him about their experiences with him It s wonderful watching David s strange character be assembled Rashomon style from the three narrators letters since the voices are so different brilliantly embodied by Tiller s flexible use of first person The breakthrough here I think is that there are really SIX voices here three reliable three un We get honestly told glimpses at each character s life and see the contrasts between their struggles and the facades they send to David Each narrator has their own ample motivation to lie to him and the desire to knock the other two down The first section Jon s is by far the strongest with twists and turns I wasn t expecting but the second Arvid has its own tragic element that s worth reading. Innsirkling pdf24 When this is good it has the strangely addictive tendency of Knausgaard the Norwegianness is apparent lengthy pancake sequences are becoming de rigeur these days but despite some late draft I assume trying to get ahead of the problem structural gymnastics the third voice s dilemma is too similar to the first and things start to drag as we trod already told ground After flying through the first half I found myself stymied but the fundamental mystery of David s identity will keep me reading. Innsirkling book S until April of next year I ve ordered it off Abe Books and will certainly keep up with it It s a masterclass in character despite its failures of tension Hardcover It s hard to review a book that you really enjoy and this is no exception I honestly think it s best to know little about Encircling before you start it because this book surprised me charmed me impressed me and then threw me for a loop at the end If you like literary fiction novels in translation and or great character studies this novel is for you If you don t like any of those things why and you just want a great story with several unreliable narrators this novel is for you If you aren t convinced by this the New Yorker agrees with me there was review of the series published in early January 2022 My very hip husband would probably like me to note that he bought the first book in Norway in 2018 He has been waiting impatiently for the sequels to be translated and for me to finally read the trilogy You re welcome STOP READING THIS REVIEW AND READ THE BOOK This centers on David who has lost his memory in middle age To recover his personality and past his psychologist puts out a news story asking for friends to write to him Three people who were previously close to him answer with each of them taking a section of the book The writing is excellent and we move through three distinct characters with their own styles In each section the character writes first person letters to David and then we as the readers see the character s life at the time in third person This structure is really successful it becomes clear who s interpreting events differently and who might be only partially remembering or maybe embellishing the truth Despite how much I enjoyed the book I think this was probably four stars until I got to the ending which absolutely walloped me It made me want to start over from the beginning again Tiller is a truly gifted writer and the translation is excellent. Innsirkling epub reader Other short but spoilery thoughts Jon as the first narrator is so successful because you only trust his perspective for a brief period of time Arvid s summation of Jon as a lanky chalk white kid is very funny Arvid s section was my favorite which I did not expect when I started By the end of his section I was tearing up in a coffee shop Granted I am an easy cry nowadays but Arvid s ending really got to me He can t change even his memories of David because they are perfect as they are And I love how everything comes full circle in Arvid s account with the start of Berit and David s life in Namsos I m fully obsessed with small town Norwegian life in 2006 Is this what Knausgard is like I ll never read Knausgard I will Silje s section was the least successful for me and I didn t like either the writing style or the many circular conversations with Egil I think it would have ended the book on a somewhat low note without Silje s ending line I really don t know what to believe I hold both scenarios as equally possible And only Silje can deliver that Final note According to his author bio Carl Frode Tiller was in a band called Kong Ler I found them on Spotify All of it is in Norwegian and it rocks I listen to it on loop while I am doing work because I can t understand any of the lyrics They only have 7 monthly listeners which means that I am a Kong Ler superfan Hardcover 4. Innsirkling ebook reader 5 starsCarl Frode Tiller s Encircling the first volume of his Encircling Trilogy is a haunting novel exploring the complexities of human relationships the constructions and misconstructions of memory and the self destructive impulses that often poison one s decisions and actions While these themes are certainly not unique to Tiller they of course circulate through much modern literature Tiller constructs his novel in such a way as to create a cascading torrent of scenes and situations that leaves the reader mesmerized if not at times bowled over. Innsirkling kindle unlimited The conceit of the novel establishes its unusual shape a man named David has apparently suffered severe amnesia and the medical authorities have put out a call to those who knew him to write David letters describing their relationships with him and what they had done together The novel has three parts one for each of the characters who writes David and within these sections interspersed with the letters are scenes from the three characters lives during the time they are writing Two of the correspondents Jon and Silje are friends and lovers from David s adolescence young adulthood and the third is David s stepfather Arvid. Innsirkling booker As to be expected conflicting portraits of David emerge with each correspondent providing a limited view based on memories that may or may not be reliable given that memories over time as we all know are constantly revised by one s current biases and desires Adding to the matter of unreliability is what we learn of the three correspondents during the time they are writing their letters all are navigating through shattering crises which reveal how troubled and unstable their lives are Writing David provides respite from their crises but that only leads the reader to question how much their letters are deliberately shaped by their current problems rather than by their desire for fidelity. Innsirkling book If all this sounds complex it is and it only gets complex as the novel progresses Startling revelations abound Striking observations are everywhere including one of many by Silje An intense and passionate woman in her younger days but now mired in mid life despair Silje observes that a line she had previously written perfectly sums up her current situation She is a star she shines but her light died years ago Or this by Arvid who in one of his letters to David writes that the quietly glowing embers are the warmest David not the raging flames and so it is with happiness too it lies in the everyday things Despite Arvid s observation there s not much warmth in this novel as characters seem constantly at odds with each other constantly bickering and worse Everybody seems on edge everybody seems gritchy But it s not emotional warmth that carries the reader along in the novel but rather its stylistic brilliance and psychological suspense The novel s head spinning ending only deepens the mystery and apprehension Stay tuned for books two and three Hardcover
Innsirkling By Carl Frode Tiller |
9788252567991 |
Norwegian Nynorsk; Nynorsk, Norwegian |
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