The Junkie Priest: Father Daniel Eagan S.A. By John D. Harris
Book junkie promotions facebook While many people might shy away from reading a book about junkies this book gave a face to each of the women portrayed in this very informative book I didn t realize that once a woman was detoxed she was basically out on the street again with no resources on how to survive. The junkie priest book and this led to drug use Father Eagan gave these young women hope when they didn t have any He gave many of them a life that they didn t have growing up in a very dysfunctional family While the outcome for some of them was not what I had hoped it amazed me that one person Father Eagan set the ball rolling to treat these women with some dignity that they had lost along the way He fought and changed the system in NYC to start a home that the women could go to to feel safe English Father Daniel Egan spent decades trying to help women addicted to drugs and prostitution in New York He was concerned by the fact that when they left jail or the detention center they had no safe environment in which to turn forcing them to return to their old haunts which in turn led to them picking up their drug habits prostitution etc In a society which turns their back on the sick and the addicted Father Egan fought for their safety He visited the detention center and made himself readily available for any woman upon their release who needed a few bucks More often than not the women used those few bucks for drugs but the good Father Egan continued to help In the end he fought long enough and hard enough to convince hospitals to admit women going through withdrawal and he started The Village Haven a halfway home of sorts that women could turn to during the day to keep them off of the streets unfortunately it was directly above a bar and the license required no one remain on the premises overnight so all women had to leave by 11 00 p. The junkie priest book I found this book in the trash at my old job and snagged it from Certain Death Coming across it now this battered deteriorating paperback from the 60s seemed funny so I finally sat down to read it It is just about as entertaining as watching Reefer Madness as the drama is so intensely amusing which was obviously not at all the point of this book The book was obviously meant to scare people straight keep them off the streets and out of the clutches of drugs The people in those positions are unlikely to ever to read this book so I imagine the Bible toting suburbanites are the ones who quote from this book The dangers of heroin are frightening but the moralising in this book was rather heavy handed at times. The junkie priest book Sadly it was good for a chuckle here and there and I do wish there are people like Father Egan out there but other than that the intensity the journalist who wrote the book was going for was at times too amusing to make the impact he probably desired English Difficult read at times sometimes because of the clinical language often because of the heartbreaking subject matter Fascinating inspiring and difficult life led by a unique but committed man of God English
The Junkie Priest: Father Daniel Eagan S.A. By John D. Harris |
0671808850 |
9780671808853 |
English |
Paperback |
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The junkie priest book
PA series about an only child and his huge best friend a mastiff named Mudge The Junkie Priest Father Daniel Eagan S. The junkie priest book m Father Egan saw the holes in the systems and did what he could to save every woman who turned to him.A