Teruntuk Ibunda Tersayang Maaf Ibu Koko kelewatan satu acara wisuda lagi Bukannya Koko malas atau apa saat ini Koko kebanjiran masalah sampai bingung harus menyelesaikan yang mana dulu Dosen Koko ya Bu yang namanya Pak Bayu entah mempersulit atau memang kelewat perfect nolakin draft skripsi Koko mulu Temen temen Koko yang lain hmm mending nggak usah dibahas ya Mario dan Cecep itu lupa dievolusi barengan Pithecanthropus dulu He he he becanda Tapi biarpun rada error gitu mereka teman teman yang baik kok Bu Hmm besok Koko mau nyoba ke Dispenda mau ngurus izin make data mereka buat bahan skripsi Moga moga sukses ya Bu Salam buat Bapak dan adik adik Salam hormat Koko SKS Sarjana Kebut Skripsi Lucu Indonesian Love is unpredictableThats the point from this book. Sksood When Koko the central actor of this book need to finished his study immediately before he got drop out from his university he meet a girl and fell in love with her BUt love sometimes need something to sacrifice So Koko should face two option love or finishing his study And theres a lot of other conflict on this book. Sksz-ll But this book is told evrything in a very smart funny ways This book is totally great I never feeel bored to read it altough until now i already read it for 8 times D Indonesian Novel ini memicu saya untuk membuat komedi cerdas, Skse64 hehe Indonesian Novel pertama yang aku beli dari uang saku D Indonesian
SKS (Sarjana Kebut Skripsi) By Hendry Lukman |
9797801047 |
Indonesian |
186 |
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