That You May Prosper: Dominion by Covenant By Ray R. Sutton

That You May prosperquote

Especially from the viewpoint of God The appendixes offered do a decent job of tying up lose ends and answering some FAQs 9780930464110 This book is the clearest exposition of the Bible s teaching about the covenant that I have ever read The author defines a covenant from the Scriptures with its five fold structure and then shows how the same pattern runs through many of the other books of the Old and New Testaments Truly a book to study and ponder 9780930464110 Abp Sutton shows the 5 fold model of covenant as it appears in scripture and models such as the Church and the state Through the book he flexes incredible biblical knowledge and a sharp mind This was my introduction to covenantalism and would reccomend it as a good place to start 9780930464110 Ray R Sutton is Bishop Coadjutor in the Diocese of Mid America of the Reformed Episcopal Church in the Anglican Church in North America He is also Rector of the Church of the Holy Communion in Dallas.

May prosperity be with you

Good and atrocious depending 9780930464110 Oh This was so good. That You May prosperquote That You May Prosper filled in a lot of blanks in my reasoning in many cases blanks I never realised existed It s an endlessly thought provoking study of the content and the structure of Biblical covenants I d heard a lot about the covenant but this book provided me for the first time with an idea of what the covenants involved and what they were supposed to accomplish. May prosperity be with you I think the main thing I got from That You May Prosper though was a much clearer idea of how authority community and covenant institutions are supposed to work This book basically puts wheels on the concept of Trinitarian community in which both the individual and the collective are equally ultimate see Rushdoony s The One and the Many Sutton divides covenant structure into five points the first two of which have to do with authority Every covenant begins by outlining the identity of the transcendent authority the Lord God Almighty and then continues by setting up a hierarchy through which this power is mediated earthly authorities Sutton spends some time working through this both in theory and practice and it confirmed a lot of my thoughts and pushed them into new territory I guess I always knew that the fact of God s ultimate authority over the world necessarily meant that no human authority could claim ultimate authority on earth no priest no father no king I also knew that Biblical authority structures are supposed to be representational and accountable But Sutton s covenant structure systematises these and other concepts in a way that preserves both the rights of the individual and the claims of the collective in family church and state. That you may prosper and be in good health The familial applications of this doctrine were of special interest to me because there seems to be a lot of confusion in the church today about the authority structure of the family Many Christians seeing the damage done to society by radical feminism have reacted into a view that sees fathers as or less the conduits of divine authority to their families Sutton soundly rejects this error demonstrating its pagan presuppositions In this chain of being view the father is the link between god and the rest of the familysince god is in time and part of the creation the father is a physical extension He contains within him the stuff out of which god is made There are many ramifications but the governmental and ethical ones are of particular interest If the father is deity in the home then the way to god is through the father Also since the father is the divine connection between heaven and earth his authority is absolute It cannot be contradicted Biblical authority is not this way The authority of the home is God not the father Whatever the father has is delegated to him He is a representative of God not an extension of Him There are checks and balances He might sin and ask his family to do the wrong thing So there is a time to disobey the father Father mother and children have access to and are directly responsible to God The father is the legal representative as opposed to magical leader. That You May prosperville This provides a good explanation of how Christian patriarchy is supposed to differ from pagan patriarchy In Rome the paterfamilias had an authority which no man should have over life and death in his household He could execute or sleep with anyone under his care It was this world that Christianity emerged into The Victorians weren t perfect but they had nothing on the Romans. That you may prosper as your soul prospers Which leads me to make a general retraction of sorts I ve regularly used the word patriarchy to describe my understanding of the Biblical doctrines on family authority partly because I find complementarianism lamesauce and partly because I had no better term From now on however I ll be often using the word covenantalism to describe my views as it much better fits what Scripture teaches. May your health prosper as your soul prospers Anyway there was so much in this book that I can t possibly do it justice I loved the parts on the sacraments and eschatology I would caution that perhaps Sutton does fall victim to a common failing having found himself a hammer everything looks like a covenant nail to him but no matter where you may stand on the covenant I think this would make a very thought provoking read That You May Prosper is available in a free PDF here 9780930464110 Some good stuff on judicial theology and covenantalism 9780930464110 Most of this book was about seeing covenant structures in scripture For that it was OK I think you can see those structures in clearly covenantal sections of scripture like Deuteronomy But I think it got forced into some places The 10 words of creation and the 10 words of the Decalogue are two main examples The other part of this book that I found intriguing and helpful was his discussion on how we should be seeing things in a covenantal perspective Philosophically we have tried to describe things in the one and the many the dichotomy of individualism and community freedom and security etc But Sutton proposes that all these things are reconciled under the triune God That we are made to be a covenantal people even though we seem to have lost that now I think this point is something that I ll find myself thinking about and considering coming away from this book His covenantal structure of Bible interpretation doesn t interest or compel me much 9780930464110 Wow I ve read it before and whenever I read this Preface written by Gary North it is still ridiculously over the top Gary North s superlatives could rival any boxer or hip hop star s hype man he talks about this book like it were Muhammad Ali Sutton s book will be regarded in retrospect as a turning point in Christian theology. That You May prosperquote Sutton s book unlocks the Biblical doctrine of the covenant as no other book has in the history of the churchThe outline of this book will shape the thinking of Christians from the day forwardfuture Christians may not actually read Sutton s book though historians will you have a classic in your handsif you own an autographed first edition buy another copy and put the autographed one in your safety deposit box In four hundred years it will make you rich If I were Ray Sutton I would have told Gary North to drop the preface or don t publish the book even if all of these things proved true North s glibness and braggadocio set the reader up for almost certain disappointment I like this book I think it is a valuable and insightful resource on the covenant but it simply is not that good and the Preface writes a check that can t be cashed 9780930464110

That You May Prosper: Dominion by Covenant By Ray R. Sutton
that you may prosper and be in health
that you may prosper as your soul prospers
that you may prosper and be in good health
That You May prosperqueen
That You May prosperquote
That You May prosperquiz
That You May prosperquake
That You May prosperque
may you prosper in all things
i would that you prosper
whatsoever you do will prosper
may prosperity be with you
may you prosper as your soul prospers
may you be in health as your soul prospers
may your health prosper as your soul prospers
Please Read This Like new Ships from Ohio No Markings Fast Shipping Free tracking 9 E 38 That You May Prosper Dominion by CovenantNot convinced that the five point covenant model that Sutton presents can be pressed as tightly onto every part of Scripture as he seems to propose I am hesitant to call this the key to unlock Scripture However the model is exceedingly helpful and Suttons observation and application of the model to the family Church and State is insightful and practical 9780930464110 This book was both good and bad It was interesting and I liked the first 136 pages Past that it was tedious I ended up skimming most of the rest of the book I had high hopes and while Sutton had some good insights and I gained a couple things it was ultimately disappointing Of all things I would rather it be bad than disappointing I really enjoyed his Signed Sealed and Delivered and see the foundation here in That You May Proper of his eventual move from the Presbyterian church to the Episcopalian church 9780930464110 Sutton develops his covenant structure and hermeneutic using a 5 point acronym THEOS Where Sutton fails in the poor writing he does offer some help in understanding covenant structures Texas president and professor of Scripture and Theology at Cranmer Theological House in Houston Texas and headmaster of Holy Communion Christian Academy formerly Bent Tree Episcopal School Sutton was born in Louisville Kentucky and moved to Dallas at age thirteen: That You May prosperve He is currently head of the Ecumenical Relations Committee of the Anglican Church of North America.That You May Prosper: Dominion by Covenant.