Dont Hold My Head Down By Lucy-Ann Holmes
Book Dont Hold My Head down detector
saateri Nyt on k siss kirja joka sek ilahutti ett rsytti reippaasti Tykk sin siit ett kymmenien seksiaiheisten kirjojen j lkeen sain t st uusia ajatuksia kupoliini Kirjoittaja on miun kanssa samaa ik luokkaa ja muutakin yhteist tarttumapintaa toki l ytyy samoin h nen l ht tilanteensa on superkiinnostava Kasassa oli ainekset viiden t hden kirjaan feminismeineen kaikkineen Mutta kolmen t hden kirja tuli Isoimman t kinn n aiheutti kirjoitustyyli Huumori sin ns maistuu mutta tuntuu ett seksist puhutaan usein verihassutellen Mietin vaikuttavatko nikirjat n in paljon kerrontaan samaa vikaa oli esim Runkkarin k sikirjassa jonka printin lukeminen oli hetkitt in rajusti my t h pe llist Eik kirjailija ihan uskonut tarinansa kantavuuteen sellaisenaan ja siksi lis si ha ha hauskan kuorrutuksen ja esimerkiksi puhutteli jatkuvasti lukijaa tyyliin oletteko viel siell Minnuu olisi puhutellut ihan tarina itsess n jo Erityisesti t ihmetytti koska usein oltiin ihmisel m n isojen asioiden rell kuten esimerkiksi seksist kommunikoimisen ja sen millainen naiskuva pornossa mediassa ja yhteiskunnassa ylip t ns on ja miten se vaikuttaa ihan meid n perustavisten arkeen tiedostetusti ja tiedostamattakin Kolme t hte annan siit hyv st ett kirja kuitenkin yhdist kiinnostavalla tavalla yhteiskunnallista pohdintaa ja seksuaalisuuden tarkastelua eri n k kulmista Ja niist uusista ajatuksista p ss ni M m m m Informative entertaining and touching all kinds of touching This was nothing like I expected A humorous self deprecating and self effacing but intelligent and inquisitive narrator takes us on a belated journey of sexual self discovery that is both educational and liberating I ll confess that I read this book at just the right time for me I identified with so much of the author s apprehension and relief along her journey She is very fortunate to have looked in all the right places for her which makes for an enlightening trip and a happy ending forgive the pun I didn t expect to be moved in quite the way I was by this story but it meant a lot to me and I d recommend it to men as well as women for its accessibility and openness M m m m Women are capable of powerful transcendental pleasure but that fact has not just been lost it hasn t been respected at all Women s sexual pleasure has been suppressed feared denied and punished over thousands of years and women have been murdered and mutilated because of it p 103 Wow what a refreshing book This month I attended the Unbound proof party at Cheltenham Literature Festival where Lucy Anne was one of the authors discussing her imminent memoir The event was memorable for a few reasons one of them being the response that it elicited from an older lady who was sharing the table I was sitting at she clearly didn t approve of such a book But for me this event will be memorable as the time that I accidentally came across a book that I was perhaps waiting years to read whether I realised it or not Holmes has written a very honest memoir about her journey to discover her own sexuality or perhaps at least about her sexuality She starts by explaining how she came to write the book in her own words this was as a result of a shocking discovery when looking at internet porn trying to find something to arouse her Instead of finding arousal she found herself thinking about her nieces growing into young women and what our current society is feeding to them in regards to sex and sexuality This then led her to re evaluate her own sex life specifically just how much she had actively considered her own sexuality and pleasure when it came to sex What we then have is a very frank funny astute and intelligent journey as Holmes explores her own sexuality Within this Holmes makes excellent points around how society and culture shapes sexuality but also how a media governed by heterosexual men affects wider perceptions of sex and sexuality because they are feeding us sex as though we are all heterosexual men As a woman I found that there were many times throughout this book where I found myself relating to what Holmes was saying feeling experiencing and expressing I actually keep a handwritten book journal where I transcribe favourite quotes from the books that I have read For this book there were far too many that I would have liked to copy I found myself reading out passages of it to my boyfriend as I found sections that expressed exactly what I had felt in the past but in a much coherent eloquent way There is such a lot here to consider and to take as a counsellor who has worked with survivors of sexual abuse consent has always been something that I am familiar with but here in a section on BDSM there is an explanation of the consent wheel which is just fabulous It takes the idea of explicit consent much further also demonstrating that within sexual encounters each partner can slide between the various stages of the wheel throughout their encounter Personally I think this is an absolute success Holmes should be applauded for her honesty her sensitivity and her humanity in exploring a subject that seems to be everywhere around us yet at the same time everyone is embarrassed to talk about I will be recommending it to my female friends and despite what the older lady that I was sat next to in Cheltenham seemed to suggest I think that men could get a lot from this memoir too M m m m Todella hyvi ja arvokkaita juttuja esimerkiksi suostumuksesta wheel of consent oli k sitteen jotain joka meist jokaisen olisi hyv ottaa haltuun vaikka toki t m ei Holmesin oma k site ollutkaan omista rajoista ein sanomisesta ja vastaanottamisesta itsetuntemuksesta Ylip ns ihanaa ett naisen seksuaalisuudesta kirjoitetaan ja puhutaan vihdoin n in avoimesti. Book Dont Hold My Head down lyrics Sitten se mutta miksi siit seksuaalisuudesta t ytyy jotenkin aina kertoa niin hassunhauskan huumorin keinoin Holmesin tapa kirjoittaa eli siis l hinn vitsailla ei iskenyt itseeni sitten yht n My sk n muut v h n samaa aihepiiri sivuavat viime aikoina ilmestyneet kirjat kuten Runkkarin k sikirja tai Himokirja eiv t vaan mitenk n tyylilt n vieh t olen yritt nyt lukea niit mutta en p ssyt ekaa kymment sivua pidemm lle En tarkoita ett tahtoisin lukea pelkk kuivakkaa asiateksti seksist ehei en ollenkaan mutta jotenkin sellainen humoristinen kepe v h n itsekriittinen ja tarkkaileva s vy on vaan niin v synytt Tai ehk Holmesin tapauksessa emme vain ole samalla viivalla ajatuksissamme TAI suomennos hukkasi jotain. Kindle Dont Hold My Head down on me My s tantraseksist ja seksifestareista puhuminen et nnytti itse ni ihan kuin seksi olisi jotenkin pienen piirin hallitsema salaisuus Ett vasta kun tied t tantran kaikki kujeet ja saat ne 14 erilaista orgasmia suhtaudun t h n v h n skeptisyydell olet boss oman seksuaalisuutesi kanssa Totta kai jokaisen seksuaalisuus on omanlaisensa ja uniikki ja Holmes nyt l ysi h nen seksuaalisuutensa avaimen t ll tavoin mutta olisin kaivannut viel v h n jotain toista otetta ehk v h n niiden omien l yt jen ja tapojen haastamista Vaikka kirjassa muuten olikin loistavasti isompaa yhteiskunnallista otetta n iss kohdin se j i hauraaksi Voin toki haastaa t ss itse nikin ett miksi juuri n m jutut rsyttiv t mit ne kertovat minusta Aloitetaanpa siis oma seksimatka Joka tapauksessa kelpo luettava nopea ihan hauska jos huumori iskee yhteen Holmesin kautta hyvi pointteja esille nostava Etenkin loppua kohden parani huomattavasti nautin erityisesti rehellisest kuvauksesta omasta seksuaalisuudesta raskauden j lkeen M m m m The subtitle should make it pretty clear why I was interested in this Holmes hit her mid thirties and became aware after a disappointing wank to Internet porn that she wasn t having nearly as good sex as she wanted So she made a list slow sex A bit of kink Maybe some bum stuff Full body orgasms and set off to see what she could find out about how to bang better It s a fun read certainly but much of it feels and I accept that it s very easy to criticize a bitbasic Not in terms of the sex she has Holmes does stuff in the name of let s see what this is like than I ever have but in terms of the tone and the attitude which is all a bit jolly awkward Bridget Jones falling into a mud puddle whoopsy I m such a silly tit There is a lot of caps lock There are many exclamation points A writer can t help the person that they are but I was hoping for something that I d be able to connect to on an emotional level a bit Instead I found myself repeatedly thinking for Christ s sake woman not helped by the fact that Holmes meets a man halfway through the book and ends up entering a serious relationship with him eventually having a baby Perhaps that s meant to be a happy ending but it did rather close off some avenues of exploration Maybe I ll have to write my own version of this book. Don't hold my head down If you like what I write why not buy me a coffee M m m m
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